Volume 5
Volume 5 of the RSAI's Du Noyer Collection contains 94 sketches and watercolours. A number of items are undated, with the earliest year being 1842 and the latest year being 1863. The majority of items in the volume are from Co. Dublin, although there are images from Counties Wicklow, Wexford, Cork, Tipperary, Waterford, Kildare, and Meath.
Subjects in Volume 5 include architecture, landscapes, maritime scenes, geological features, crosses, monuments, and heraldry.
![Plan of the Episcopal Palace of Fethard Co Wexford. 20 May 63 [scaled plan] [section through circular tower at NW corner] Plan of the Episcopal Palace of Fethard Co Wexford. 20 May 63 [scaled plan] [section through circular tower at NW corner]](https://rsai.locloudhosting.net/files/square_thumbnails/4e9d762787ba270bcf09dbf2323869cd.jpg)
Plan of the Episcopal Palace of Fethard Co Wexford. 20 May 63 [scaled plan] [section through circular tower at NW corner]

oblit 1177; the monument broken by the fall of the roof 1567; set up again at the charge of the Right Hon Sir Henry Sydney. Kt. of the noble order. L. President of Wales; L. Deputy of the Ireland 1570

the monument so commonly supposed to be that of Earl Strongbow. From the nave of Christ Church Cathedral Dublin

West face of granite cross at Tully Co. Dublin . In ?field on road side N of old church 3rd Nov 1860

Base of stone cross near Old Court Castle; co Wicklow; Geo. V Du Noyer Delt. (sketched.august.8.1840)

scale 1 inch to 1 foot; In Howth Abbey; The tomb of Sir Christopher St Lawrence, Lord Howth. April 1841.

Lusk graveyard; Christopher Bernewal; Marion Sharl; The earliest date on the tomb is 1575 another 1589; from the grave yard of Lusk Church; March 1849

L.D. John; St Patrick Lawrenc James and John Mary L. Donsani Katerin, Margret Gine and allsone; anno 1589; qui obiit 1575 augusti die s

Contortions in ?supposed "Calp" Limestone, Loughshinny Shore. Co. Dublin Jan 21. 1857. Limestone; Laughshinng chon