Volume 1
Volume 1 of the RSAI's Du Noyer Collection contains 166 sketches and watercolours and 2 photographs. A number of the items are undated, with the earliest year being 1847 and the latest year being 1872. The majority of items in the volume are from Co. Kerry, although there are images from Counties Antrim, Clare, Cork, Galway, Kilkenny, Offaly, Tipperary, Waterford, and Westmeath.
Subjects in Volume 1 include landscapes, architecture, maritime scenes, crosses, ogham stones, and artefacts. Two photographs can be found - one of a Captain Rock and the other of Mallow Castle demesne.

monumental stones facing west No 1 No 2 from graveyard of stone roofed oratory called Templenaclonagh

Interior view of ancient stone roofed oratory 1250 feet NW of Kilmalkedar old Church Co Kerry July 1856

plan of ancient stone roofed oratory; interior of east window stone roofed oratory; plan Kilmalkedar old church July 1856

Monumental pillar stone at Calluragh burial ground one mile east of Ballyferriter on the Dingle road 22nd June 1856

from ancient burial ground in the townland of Reask 1 mile east of Ballyferriter on the Road to Dingle

Foundations of ancient stone roofed oratory Called Templenacloonagh Co. Kerry, near Gallarus oratory

Pilasters on side walls of Kilmalkedar old church raised 4 ft from present level of ground and resting on string course; Ogham stone

Ancient stone cross with socketed base detached. Said to have fallen from the west gable of Kilmalkedar old church July 1856

Plan of Door Old Church of Kilmalkedar Co. Kerry July 1856; Plan of chancel arch; Stone Font (dark purple gist)

Chart to illustrate a days cruise in the Brandon coast guard galley. 14 October 1856. G.V. Coxwain for the day. Distance sailed 29 miles (1)

Starting in Brandon Pier for the Maharees. "all serene" it’s a Soldiers wind. G.V. steering. No. 1 (2)

The mist and rain trying to bear up for the station after leaving the Maharee Islands. Wind apparently shifting to the W but no land in sight (8)

On board. Brandon Head not visible. Fear being blown out to sea. Clears off to windward for a moment and Garrywilliam Point clear (9)

No help for it. Obliged to run back for the Maharees. But bear up a few points for Garrywilliam Beach (10)

side walls of stone oratory in Culluragh burial ground. Townland of Ballywiheen. Ogham stone in fort called Cahernagat

Monacarroge Fort on shore S of Ventry Coastguard Station. East of Telegraph Station. Kerry Sheet 52.4

Head stone to grave close to and facing the entrance doorway of stone oratory in Calluragh burial ground Td. Ballywiheen. Kerry Sheet 42.3

ancient ? Remains on the Dingle Prominatory. Cloghan. Td. Of Kilmalkedar. On the side of the hill north of Kil. Village…

View of the Teeraght Rock (or Westons Island)… Ferriter's Cove coastguard station June 1856. distance about 12 miles

Kinneagh RT Co Cork 10 March 1853 A stone floor formed of four flags leaving an angular opening in the centre

From a boulder of Calcium ? Fig gist or ? Limestone at the side of the gravel ridge West of the RC Chapel of Clonmacnoise. Kings Co.

Stone in Inchan Goile an island in Lough Corrib. Lia Lugnacdon Mace Limenuch. Co Galway. Supposed by Mr Petrie to be the most