Lantern slide depicting a partial image of an inscribed slab in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally titled 'Inscribed slab at Clonmacnois (after Macalister)' and labelled 'K4 12'. The slide itself also contains several phrases in both Irish and…
Lantern slide depicting a partial image of a wax gravestone rubbing from Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally labelled 'K4 11' and titled 'CROSS. SLAB. CLONMACNOISE 11x T. MASON, 5, Dame Street, Dublin.' The image depicts a partial pattern taken from…
Lantern slide depicting a partial graveslab in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally labelled 'K4 10' and titled 'CROSS.SLAB. CLONMACNOISE T. MASON, 5, Dame Street, Dublin'. The image depicted is a drawn slide depicting part of a graveslab from the…
Lantern slide depicting a cross, a church and a round tower in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally titled 'K4 Clonmacnouis.' and labelled 'K4 9'. The monuments depicted are in the Monastic ruins in Clonmacnoise and are O'Rourke's Tower, a High Cross…
Lantern slide depicting the entrance to the Nun's Church in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally titled 'CLONMACNOIS KINGS CO' and labelled 'K4 8'. The monument depicted dates back to 1167 and was commissioned by Dearbhforgaill-Dervorgilla. The…
Lantern slide depicting a ruins of the Nun's Church in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offally. Originally without a title and labelled 'K4 7'. The monument depicted dates back to 1167 and was commissioned by Dearbhforgaill-Dervorgilla. The architecture of the…
Lantern slide depicting entrance in Temple Finghin in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offally. Originally titled 'Clonmacnois xTeampill Fingham' and labelled 'K4 6'. The monument depicted in the image is the entrance to a Romanesque church with a roundtower…
Lantern slide depicting graveslabs being kept in the Cathedral in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally without a title and labelled 'K4 5'. As Clonmacnoise was a favored spot for Kings and dignitaries in Ireland in the 6th to 7th century, many of the…
Lantern slide depicting the entrance to the Cathedral in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally titled 'Clonmacnoise X Cathedral' and labelled 'K4 4'. The monument depcited in the image is of the entrance to the Cathedral, also known as Temple…
Lantern slide depicting a cross in Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly. Originally labelled titled 'Cross. Clonmacnoise T. MASON, 5 DAME STREET, DUBLIN' and labelled 'K4 3'. The monument depicted in the image is the known as the Cross of the Scriptures, or King…