Lantern slide of blind windows from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 76" with label "Mason Dublin". Depicts blind windows from the church exterior.
Lantern slide of windows from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 77" with label "Mason Dublin". Depicts windows from the church exterior.
Lantern slide of exterior detail from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 78" with label "Mason Dublin". Depicts a view of the church exterior including details of window tracery, crenellation, buttressing and…
Lantern slide of stained glass windows from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 79" with label "Mason Dublin". Depicts a row of stained glass windows viewed from the church exterior with male figure standing…
Lantern slide of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 80" with labels "St Nicholas Galway" and "Mason". Depicts a detail of the church exterior.
Lantern slide of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 80" with labels "St Nicholas Galway" and "Mason". Depicts a detail of the crenellation and gargoiles from the church exterior.
Lantern slide of Lynch tomb in St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 82" with labels "St N Galway Leask" and "Mason Dublin". Depicts the front facade of the tomb.
Lantern slide of reader's desk in St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 83" with labels "St Nicholas' Church Galway", "256 1/2 Mason Dublin Reader's Seat" and "Leask 2". Depicts the reader's desk with stone tracery…
Lantern slide of font from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 84" with labels "Old Font, St. Nicholas Church, Galway" and "1717 1/2 Mason Dublin". Depicts the side profile of the font.
Lantern slide of tomb slab from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 85" with labels "Stone in N. Transept. St. Nicholas Church" and "2568 1/2 Mason Dublin". Depicts the low relief carved cross and lettering of the…