Lantern slide of capital from Kilmacduagh, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 63" with labels "Kilmacduagh: Galway" and "Mason Dublin". Depicts a close view of a stone carved capital.
Lantern slide of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 64" with labels "St Nicholas Church Galway", "Co. Galway" and "Thomas H. Mason, 5-6, Dame St., Dublin, C.I. 833 1/2". Depicts the external west facade of the…
Lantern slide of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 65" with labels "St Nicholas Galway", "Co. Galway", "2329" and "Thomas H. Mason, 5-6, Dame St., Dublin, C.I.". Depicts the external west facade of the church…
Lantern slide of interior of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G II 66" with labels "Int. Nicholas' Church, Galway" and "Mason Dublin 2337 1/2". Depicts the nave of the church interior.
Lantern slide of west door of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 69" with labels "Galway. St Nich. Ch. W. Door Leask" and "Mason Dublin". Depicts the west door of the church exterior.
Lantern slide of doorway of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 70" with label "Mason Dublin". Depicts one of the doorways of the church exterior.
Lantern slide of the south transept of St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 72" with labels "St. Nicholas Ch. Galway. S. Transept" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts the facade of the south transept…
Lantern slide of window from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 73" with labels "Leask" and "Mason Dublin". Depicts a window from the church exterior.
Lantern slide of window from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 74" with labels "St Nicholas Ch. Galway. Window S. Transept" and "Mason Dublin". Depicts a window from the church south transept exterior.
Lantern slide of window from St Nicholas collegiate church, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 75" with labels "Leask" and "Mason Dublin". Depicts a window from the church exterior.