Lantern slide of boats in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a group of spectators watching a number of boats, with coastal hills visible in the background.
Lantern slide of a boat in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Meteor." Depicts a boat identified as the "Meteor" in an unidentified location.
Lantern slide of a boat in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a large boat, called the "Ailsa", in an unidentified location. A small rowing boat in the foreground of the slide and a steam boat in…
Lantern slide of boats in Dun Laoghaire (known from 1821 to 1920 as Kingstown), Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "K.Town." Depicts a a number of boats in an area identified as Kingstown, a former British Port.
Lantern slide of boats in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a number of boats near an unidentified harbour.
Lantern slide of a regatta in Dun Laoghaire (known from 1821 to 1920 as Kingstown) harbour, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Kingstown Regatta." Depicts a number of regatta boats in the Kingstown Port.
Lantern slide of a regatta in Dun Laoghaire (known from 1821 to 1920 as Kingstown) harbour, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Kingstown Regatta." Depicts three large regatta boats with two smaller rowing boats also visible.
Lantern slide of a harbour in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a view of a harbour with figures visible on a walkway in the bottom right corner, and boats visible in the background.
Lantern slide of a paddle steamer in an unidentified harbour location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a paddle steamer moving in a harbour. A paddle steamer is a steamship driven by paddle wheels which are powered by a…
Lantern slide of regatta boats in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a scene of two regatta boats in a port, with a spectator watching them in the foreground of the slide. The regatta boats are…