Lantern slide of stone crosses, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 11 21" with label "Crosses at T Brecan, Aran I". Depicts a large group of people examining the stone crosses near Templebrecan on Inishmore.
Lantern slide showing a sedilia at Killeen Church, Co. Meath. Originally labelled 'M ii 2 65', the slide is titled Killeen Abb, Meath. The name Mason Dublin is printed on the slide mount.
Lantern slide showing a north-west view of Killeshin Church, Killeshin, Co. Laois. Originally labelled 'Q1 14' and titled 'Killeshin Ch. 14.' The slide can be seen on Plate I in Volume 15, Number 2, published December 31, 1925 in the Journal of the…