Lantern slide of ships in an unidentified harbour, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a steam ship in the mid centre of the slide, with a figure in the foreground watching it. In the background of the slide boats and…
Lantern slide of North Wall, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no label "North Wall" and "E .MacD. C. 1890" Depicts a scene of carts being loaded with wooden logs at North Wall harbour. Cranes are visible on the right side of the slide.
Lantern slide of a boat on the Liffey, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Meteor." Depicts a boat, identified the "Meteor" in the foreground of the slide, with the city scape visible in the background. The custom house building and quay…
Lantern slide of boats sailing out of an unidentified harbour, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts five sailing boats that appear to be sailing out of a harbour, with another smaller boat visible to the right of the slide. A…
Lantern slide of a regatta boat in an unidentified harbour (possibly Dun Laoghaire, or Kingstown as it was formerly known), Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a large regatta boat with flags and bunting decorating its masts…
Lantern slide of a regatta in Dun Laoghaire (known from 1821 to 1920 as Kingstown) harbour, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Kingstown Regatta." Depicts a scene of the regatta in the port. Swimmers are visible playing in the water in…
Lantern slide of a boat on the Liffey, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a boat in the foreground of the slide, with the city scape visible in the background. The custom house building and quay are also visible in the…
Lantern slide of a boat in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a close up view of a boat, with sailors visible on the deck.
Lantern slide of a boat in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with no labels. Depicts a boat flying a Blue Ensign flag from one of its sails. Prior to 1864 the Blue Ensign was used for one of three squadrons of the Royal…
Lantern slide of a boat in an unidentified location, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Ailsa." Depicts a large boat, identified as "Ailsa", in an unidentified location. A small rowing boat in the foreground of the slide and a steam…