Lantern Slide of a print of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:34' and 'K2 34' with the titles 'Kildare Cath. N: Bef. Rest.' and 'MASON Optician 5&6 Dame St. DUBLIN'.
Lantern Slide of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:35' and 'K2 35' with the title 'Kildare Cath. Birds. Eye.'. This slide shows a view of Kildare Cathedral from the round tower.
Lantern Slide of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:36' and 'K2 36' with the title 'Kildare Cath. Nave. S. STOW.'. This slide shows a view of the nave and tower from the soouth west.
Lantern Slide of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:37' and 'K2 37' with the title 'Kildare Cath. Nave. S. STOW.'. This slide shows a view of the Cathedral tower from the south east.
Lantern Slide of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:38' and 'K2 38' with the title 'Kildare Cath. S. Nave. 38'. This slide shows a view of the south nave.
Lantern Slide of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:39' and 'K2 39' with the title 'Kildare Cath. S.W. Nave. 39'. This slide shows a view of the south west nave.
Lantern Slide of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '28:40' and 'K2 40' with the title 'Kildare Cath. Int. S. W. Cross 40'. This slide shows a view of the interior south west cross.
Lantern Slide of the interior of Kildare Cathedral. Originally labelled '29:16' and 'K2 I 5' with the titles 'Kildare' and 'Thomas H. Mason, 5-6 Dame St., Dublin, C.I.'.