Lantern slide of an illustration. With no original catalogue number or labels. Depicts a drawing of a house (possibly Georgian) with figures standing in the doorway. A pediment is visible above the door suggesting a Neoclassical or Baroque style of…
Lantern slide of an illustration of a door knocker. With no original catalogue number or labels. Depicts a drawing of a door knocker. The door knocker is of a grimacing face holding a ring in its mouth.
Lantern slide of an illustration of the Smock Theatre, Dublin. Originally catalogued as "Exterior of Smock Alley Theatre Dublin" (label is visible in reverse on back of the slide). Depicts a drawing of the exterior facade of the theatre. Smock…
Lantern slide of two figures beside a stone monument/statue. No original catalogue number or labels. Depicts two men beside a stone statue, one seated and one standing. The statue is a ruined celtic cross.
Lantern slide of the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "College of Surgeons Dublin 115 1/2" and "Thomas H. Mason, 5 to 6, Dame St., Dublin, C.I." Depicts an exterior view of the college building, with the front…
Lantern slide of Aras an Uachtarain (formerly known as the Viceregal Lodge), Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "1037 Viceregal Lodge Phoenix Park" and "Mason Dublin." Depicts a view of the Viceregal Lodge, with drive and gardens visible in…
Lantern slide of the Custom House, Dublin. Originally catalogued with label "Custom House Dublin, 5191c." Depicts a view of the Southern facade of the Custom House with the quays and River Liffey visible in foreground. The Custom House is an…
Lantern slide of a stone cross. No original catalogue number or labels. Depicts a stone cross in an enclosed garden/park area. A gate surrounded by bushes is visible in the background.
Lantern slide of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 1048 1/1" and "T. Mason. 5, Dame Street, Dublin." Depicts a view of the cathedral from the street Christchurch Place.