Lantern slide of Mulhuddart holy well, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 3 Holy Well M. Hiddart" and "D3XI" and "40." Depicts a close-up view of the Mulhuddart holy well house (also known as Our Lady's Well, Mulhuddart) with its…
Lantern slide of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 4 St. Pk's Well Stone" and "D3XI" and "41." Depicts a close-up view of a well stone from St. Patrick's Cathedral. The image shows the stone standing…
Lantern slide of a stone cross from St. Patrick's Cathedral, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 7. National Museum" and "D3XI" and "42." Depicts a stone slab carved with a cross from St. Patrick's cathedral. The cross is now…
Lantern slide of a drawing of stone crosses from St. Patrick's Cathedral, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 5 of 13 St. Pk's aisle" and "D3XI" and "43." Depicts a drawing of celtic stone crosses, identifed as being from St.…
Lantern slide of a drawing of a stone cross from St. Audoen's Church, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 6. St. Audeon's" and "D3XI" and "44." Depicts a drawing of an early cross-carved slab.
Lantern slide of a stone cross in Tully, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 10. Tully" and "D3XI" and "45." Depicts a view of a stone cross-engraved slab partially buried in the ground. Possibly located in the grounds of Tully…
Lantern slide of stucco work in St. Vincent's Hospital, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "St. Vincents Over Door 1760" and "D3XI" and "46." Depicts a view of interior stucco work over a doorway in St Vincent's hospital. The hospital…
Lantern slide of an interior in Iveagh House, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Iveagh House 1730" and "D3XI" and "47." Depicts a close-up view of a ceiling in Iveagh House. An inscription on the image reads 'No. 80 St. Stephen's…
Lantern slide of an interior in Newman House, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "85 Stephen's Green Saloon. Juno & Iris 1740" and "D3XI" and "48." Depicts a close-up view of an interior ceiling in No. 85, Newman House. The stucco…
Lantern slide of an interior in Newman House, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "85 Stephen's Green. Wealth & Commerce 1740" and "D3XI" and "49." Depicts a close-up view of an interior ceiling in No. 85, Newman House. The stucco…