Lantern slide of St. Mary's Abbey, Abbey Street, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Dublin: Mary's -illegible- Ch. Ho." and "D3XI 100" and "Leask." Depicts an interior view of the Abbey's Chapter House, with vaulted ceiling visible. …
Lantern slide of Grove House, Milltown, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Grove House Milltown C.R.L" and "D3XI 31" and "Leask." Depicts an interior view of a wall in Grove House. The wall is decorated with plasterwork in the rococo…
Lantern slide of a drawing of Belvedere House, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Belvedere Ho Stapleton Drawing" and "D3XI" and "32." Depicts a drawing of a stucco ceiling in Belvedere House. The artist is identified as Stapleton,…
Lantern slide of the drawing room in Mespil House, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Drawing Room Mespil House C.R.L" and "D3XI 33." Depicts an close-up view of a ceiling in the drawing room of Mespil House. The ceiling is decorated…
Lantern slide of the Casino Marino, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Casino Marino Saloon" and "D3XI" and "34." Depicts an interior view of the Casino's Saloon, focusing on the ceiling of the room. The ceiling is highly ornate, in a…
Lantern slide of Carton House, Co. Kildare. Originally catalogued with labels "Carton Saloon Ceiling" and "D3XI" and "35." Depicts a view of Carton House's Saloon ceiling. The ceiling is decorated with plasterwork, depicting a scence called 'The…
Lantern slide of Carton House, Co. Kildare. Originally catalogued with labels "Carton Saloon Ceiling -illegible-" and "D3XI" and "36." Depicts a view of Carton House's Saloon ceiling. The ceiling is decorated with plasterwork, depicting a scence…
Lantern slide of Carton House, Co. Kildare. Originally catalogued with labels "Carton Saloon Ceiling Centre" and "D3XI" and "37." Depicts a close-up view of Carton House's Saloon ceiling, focusing on the centre panel. The panel is part of the…
Lantern slide of Carton House, Co. Kildare. Originally catalogued with labels "Carton Saloon Detail" and "D3XI" and "38." Depicts a close-up view of Carton House's Saloon ceiling. The ceiling is decorated with ornate plasterwork, depicting a…
Lantern slide of an etching Mulhuddart holy well, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "No. 2 Mullach-Hiddart" and "D3XI" and "39." Depicts an a drawing of the Church of Mary, a ruin located by, and closely associated with, Mulhuddart holy…