Lantern slide of lane view, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "30" and "39", with labels "71. Brady's Cots off Leine St.", "Photo by W. J. Joyce" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a lane with housing and figures.
Lantern slide of lane view, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "31" and "35", with labels "72. Plunketts Cots", "off Sandwilk St - Townsend St", "Photo by W. J. Joyce" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a lane with housing and figures.
Lantern slide of street view, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "32" and "19", with labels "77. Aungier Pl. Aungier St." and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a street with a single figure.
Lantern slide of lane view, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "33" and "31", with labels "Cork St Storey's Cotts (Marrowbone)" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a lane with housing and several figures.
Lantern slide of housing, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "34" and "13", with labels "82 Aylward's Yard", "Thomas St.", "Photo by W. J. Joyce" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a lane with housing and a single figure.
Lantern slide of housing, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "35" and "14", with labels "83 Aylward's Yd. Thomas's St." and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a lane with housing and a group of children.
Lantern slide of buildings, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "36" and "22", with labels "88. Old Flemish houses Sweeney's Lane", "Coombe 22", "Photo by W. J. Joyce" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a row of buildings with a single…
Lantern slide of housing, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "37" and "38", with labels "38 Grand Canal Harb.", "92 Forbe's Cots. Forbes Lane" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts cottages with several figures.
Lantern slide of laneway, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "38" and "25", with labels "Pemlico (Coombe) 25", "95. Kavanagh's Court off Bow St", "Photo by W. J. Joyce" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts a lane with rubble and…
Lantern slide of street view, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "39" and "3", with labels "Waste ground at North Cumberland St" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts several buildings with a group of children in the middleground.