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Lantern slide depicting a print of a view of a park in the interior of Trinity College Dublin. In the foreground can be seen two gentlemen, one of whom is playing whay appears to be cricket. Originally catalogued as 'D3 VIII 65' with no further…

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A Lantern slide depicting an illustration of the original west front of Trinity College and the college library, as illustrated in Charles Brookings map of 1728. Originally catalogued as 'D3 VIII 66' with further labelling as 'Front of the…

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A Lantersn slide depicting a view of Findlater's Church , Parnell Square, Dublin. The church is a Presbyterian Church, decorated in the Gothic style. The site for the Church was bought by a Dublin merchant named Alexander Findlater. The opening…

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A Lantersn slide depicting the entrance to Findlater's Church , Parnell Square, Dublin. The church is a Presbyterian Church, decorated in the Gothic style. The site for the Church was bought by a Dublin merchant named Alexander Findlater. The…

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Lantern slide depicting the Augustinian Church on Thomas Street, Dublin. The Church is located on John's Lane and is commonly known as 'John's Lane Church'. Its history dates back to Norman times when a Aelred the Palmer, a Norman living in Dublin ,…

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Lantern slide depicting the Great Mace of Dublin, which dates from 1717 or 1718. It incorporates parts of an earlier mace made in 1665 for the first Lord Mayor of Dublin, Sir Daniel Bellingham.The City Sword and Great Mace are still used at major…

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Lantern slide depicting three maces of Dublin. The City Sword and the Great Mace are still used at major Civic events such as the Honorary Freedom of the City. The mace and sword are on display in City Hall. Originally catalogued as 'D3 VII 72' …

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Lantern slide depicting the mayoral collar or The Lord Mayor's Great Chain of Office, which dates from 1698 and is composed of links representing the Tudor rose and links in the shape of the letter S. On each side is a harp and at the lowest point is…

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A Lantern slide depicting a print of the upper yard of Dublin Castle, by Joseph Tudor, 1753. Originally catalogued as 'D3 VII 75' with label 'Prospect of Castle Court from the Central Chamber' (inscription faded).
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