Explorar Itens (6418 total)

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Lantern slide of Henrietta Street, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 65' and with the title 'Henrietta St. 09. July 1909.' Henrietta Street is the oldest Georgian Street in Dublin. Located in the North side of the city, the street was laid out in…

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Lantern slide of Gardiner Row, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 66' and with the title 'Gardiners Row.' Gardiner Row is located beside Parnell Square, one of Dublin's finest Georgian squares. Featured in the slide is a Georgian door. The door…

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Lantern slide of No. 6 Gardiners Row, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 67' and with the title '6 Gardiners Row.' Gardiner Row is located beside Parnell Square, one of Dublin's finest Georgian squares. The slide features the facadee of no. 6. The…

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Lantern slide of a Nos. 3 & 4 Gardiner Row, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 68' and without a title. Gardiner Row is located beside Parnell Square, one of Dublin's finest Georgian squares. The slide features the now Castle Hotel (number 4). …

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Lantern slide of a doorway, Dublin City, Ireland. Originally labeled 'D3 III 69' and with the title 'Chancery Place.' The slide features the facade of a run down Georgian house. The doorway is in typical Georgian style, and features a semi-circular…

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Lantern slide of Upper Abbey Street, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 70' and with the title 'Upper Abbey St.' Abbey St is located on the north inner city of Dublin. As Abbey St. has undergone much redevelopment, the exact location of the buildings…

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Lantern slide of No. 4 Kevin Street, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 71' and with the title '4 Kevin St.' Kevin St. is located in South inner city Dublin. The slide features a street view of Kevin St. One of the building is a shop of some sort. An…

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Lantern slide of the Masonic School, Jervis Street, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 72' and with the title ' Masonic School Jervis St 1828-1835.' The site was home to the Masonic Female Orphan School of Ireland between 1827-1830.

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Lantern slide of No. 40 Lower Dominick Street, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 74' and with the title '40 Lower Dominick St.' The doorway is decorated in typical Georgian Style. It features 8 panels with a decorated semi-circular fan light above.…

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Lantern slide of doorways, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 76' and with an illegible title. The slide depicts the facade of two Georgian buildings. Both doors contain eight panels and are flanked by columns. Both doorways are topped with a broken…
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