Lantern slide of a house, Co. Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 89' and without a title. The quality of the slide is poor and it is hard to distinguish the exact name of the building and its location.
Lantern slide of a building exterior on Ardee Street, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued with labels "Ardee House Leask" and "D3XI 73." Depicts a close-up view of the building, with a pedimented doorway in full view. The exterior has some Gerogian…
Lantern slide of housing, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "85" and "43", with labels "Two Closets for 70 people. House in Newmarket St" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts two sheds in a shared yard.
Lantern slide of housing, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "37" and "38", with labels "38 Grand Canal Harb.", "92 Forbe's Cots. Forbes Lane" and "T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin". Depicts cottages with several figures.
Lantern slide of Howth Castle, Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 II 87' with the title 'Howth Castle.' The castle has undergone many renovations, with the earliest parts that survive dating from the mid-15th century. In 1738, the castle underwent major…