Lantern slide showing a holy well at Highfield, Co. Sligo. Originally labelled 'S 19' the slide is titled Holy Well, Highfield, Co. Sligo. A man and a dog sit to the right of the well. The exact coordinates or location could not be determined.
Lantern slide of a holy well in Magilligan, Co. Derry. Originally titled 'Holy Well Magilligan' and labelled 'L3 7'. The Holy Well depicted in this image is thought to be situated in St. Aiden's Church, in Magilligan, The Holy Well, situated at St…
Lantern slide of holy well outside St Doolagh's church, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as "3D X 50" with label "S. Doulough Well 8". Depicts the holy well located beside the church. There are several variations of the church name including…
Lantern slide of St. Bridget's Holy Well, Co. Dublin. Originally labeled 'D3 III 25' and with the title 'Dub S. Brigid's Well S. Margaret's. St. Margaret's Well.' Dedicated to St. Brigid, this is an enclosed spring well. The well are is marked by a…
Lantern slide showing an arch in a courtyard in Holycross, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. The slide prominently featues a man leaning on an arch. Originally catalogued with the label 'T1 11 10' and titled 'Holy Cross Tipp'.