Lantern slide of a pillar stone, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled '53 F' with title 'Killadeas I.' A number of these ancient stones lie within the cemetery of Killadeas Church which was built in the late 19th century. Pictured is a…
Lantern slde of a cross slab or ballaun stone, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled '54 F' with title 'Killades 2.' These rather ambigious stones were belived to hold magical and religious powers. Characterised by their large hemispherical…
Lantern slde of a cross slab or ballaun stone, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled '54 F' with title 'Killades 2.' These rather ambigious stones were belived to hold magical and religious powers. Characterised by their large hemispherical…
Lantern slide of a cross slab inscription, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled '56 F' with title 'Killadeas II.' This inscription is locatedabout 6 inches above the greek cross that is also carved into the the north face of the stone. The …
Lantern slide of a carved stone figure, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled as '57 F' with title 'Killadeas 5.' This stone is carved on the west side with a human head and on the south side (pictured) with a portrait of an Ecclesiastic who…
Lantern slide of a carved stone figure, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled as '58 F' with title 'Killadeas 6.' This stone is carved on the west side (pictured) with a human head and on the south side with a portrait of an Ecclesiastic who…
Lantern slide of a carved stone figure, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled as '59 F' with title 'Killadeas 7.' This stone is carved on the west side (pictured) with a human head and on the south side with a portrait of an Ecclesiastic who…
Lantern slide of a carved stone figure, Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh. Originally labeled as '60 F' with title 'Killadeas 8.' This stone is carved on the west side (pictured) with a human head and on the south side with a portrait of an Ecclesiastic who…