Lantern slide showing a footpath through woodland. Originally labelled 'W4 25' and titled Glen Knocknara, Co. Wicklow. Path is overgrownand is between two high stone walls. The exact coordinates or the townland could not be determined.
Lantern slide of Glencurran Valley, The Burren, Co. Clare. Originally labelled '3:57' and titled 'Glencurraun Valley Burren Co Clare, T. MASON 5 Dame Street Dublin' (Title partially obscured). Glencurraun Valley is located in The Burrne, Co. Clare.…
Lantern slide showing Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. Originally titled 'W4 59' and labelled Glendalough.The photograph shows the archway at the gateway to the monastic enclosure at Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. Two men stand in the foreground. The name…