Lantern slide showing an image of the front of Tyrone House on Marlborough Street with two men walking in the foreground. The slide was originally labeled 'D3 VII 16 Tyrone House'. The building was originally built between 1740 and 1745 and was…
Lantern slide showing the frontispiece and title page of Thomas Ewing's 1771 edition of Shakespeare. Originally catalogued with the label 'M2 89.' The slide features a full drawing of William Shakespeare.
Lantern slide showing the frontipiece from The Book of Common Prayer by George Grierson. Originally catalogued with the label 'M2 96' and 'Mason Optician, Dame St, Dublin.'
Lantern slide showing a frontipiece of Irish traveller. Originally catalogued with the label 'M2 87' and 'Mason Optician Dame St, Dublin.' The slide depicts three Irish traveller men handing a book to a woman. The slide is badly damaged.
Lantern slide depicting print of frontis piece of Newgate, Dublin. Originally catalogued as 'D3 IX, 32' with label 'Imprinted at London for I Wright and assc to be sold in his shop scene Christ Church gate 1608'. The print is also entitled 'over…
Lantern slide showing a photograph of the Gallarus Oratory in County Kerry. This image shows the window at the back/East end of the Gallarus Oratory. The Oratory is believed to have been built some time between the 6th - 9th century. The slide was…