Lantern slide showing a doorway at Cormac's Chapel at Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Originally catalogued with the label 'T1 11 30' and titled 'H Cashel RSAI'.
Latern slide showing a doorway at the Monaincha Abbey ruins in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Called Monaincha Abbey or The Holy island of Loch Cre. Originally catalogued with the label 'T1 11 36' and 'T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin.' Titled…
Lantern slide of interior doorway, Co. Dublin. Originally catalogued as 'D3 V 40', with labels '35 Nth, Gt. Georges St' and '1908'. Depicts an interior doorway with a frieze and cornice architrave.
Lantern slide of doorway into Carrickfergus keep, Co. Antrim. Originally catalogued as "A 1 97" with labels "A. R. Hogg, Photographic Specialist 67 Gt. Victoria Street, Belfast" and "Subject: Carrickfergus Cas. Doorway to keep". Depicts the door that…