Lantern slide of Derryhivenny castle, Co. Galway. Originally catalogued as "G 2 I 14" with labels "Derryhiveny Cas. Co Galway 1932" and "Thomas H. Mason, 5-6 Dame St., Dublin". Depicts a view of the tower house exterior.
Lantern slide showing the peel-tower and keep of Desmond Hall, Newcastle, Co. Limerick. Originally labelled 'L2 23' and 'T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin.' and titled 'Towers Newcastle W' and 'The Main Tower, Newcastle West.' The towers are shown…
Lantern slide showing the peel-tower and keep of Desmond Hall, Newcastle, Co. Limerick. Originally labelled 'L2 24' and 'T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin.' and titled 'Towers Newcastle W. Co Lim' and 'Peel Tower & Round Tower, Newcastle Co Limerick.'…
Lantern slide showing the exterior of the south side of the great hall of Desmond Hall, Newcastle, Co. Limerick. Originally labelled 'L2 25' and 'T. Mason, 5, Dame Street, Dublin.' and titled 'Hall Newcastle W. Co Lim' and 'Windows in Great Hall,…